A Full Breakdown of everything wrong with the Wax Scene from the 40-Year-Old-Virgin

The infamous scene, which Steve Carell wrote himself, depicts him (the virgin) and a few of his buddies booking a full chest and stomach wax to help get his groove back. And well, it’s a difficult watch, especially knowing that the scene was entirely real. Carell admitted in a post-taping interview that it was his actual hair being ripped off his body, leaving him bloody and bruised the days following the scene. He even said that one of his co-stars actually could not stay in the same room because seeing it in person was too gnarly…

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The Hair Growth Cycle- from a professional waxer's perspective

If I had a nickel for the amount of times per day I say “hair growth cycle” well, I would have a lot of nickels. As a licensed esthetician who specializes in sugaring and hair removal, the hair growth cycle is one of my favorite topics. Educating our clients on this process helps them to stay consistent and achieve even better results.

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